Like whole foods are better for you than fast foods, so professional grade paint products are better for your pain job than cheap paints.

Why Shouldn’t I Use Cheaper Paint?

What does cheaper paint have to do with fruits and veggies?


Like whole foods are better for you than fast foods, so professional grade paint products are better for your pain job than cheap paints.

Let’ say you’re an athlete and your job is to perform. Do you think fueling yourself with fast food regularly would get you the best results or would slightly more expensive organic meat and produce be better?

Obviously, the better quality foods are the best choice. Fast food and much of our packaged food we buy in stores have things in them that make them less expensive: lower quality ingredients, fillers, man-made chemicals, and terrible preservatives.

The same can be said of paint for your home. Professionals use pro grade products for one primary reason: the results are predictable. The number of impurities are small. The ingredients are higher quality. The paint rolls, brushes, and sprays well without getting gunky. It covers and touches up well.

Inexpensive paints are like packaged and fast foods. We have used them—and will not use them in the future. They contain sediment and fillers that clog up professional paint pumps. They are thick and goopy or the opposite, thin and runny. The results they give are unpredictable at best and at worst are predictable (looking very thick).

Even for your DIY project we suggest visiting a professional paint store and paying a few more dollars for products that are far superior.

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Tony purchased A Quality Paint Job from Greg Landis after working for Greg for over 10 years. AQPJ was created to meet a big hole in the Colorado Springs painting marketplace for quality workmanship at a reasonable price. We'd love to show you how we can serve you on your next repaint project.