Best Tip For Choosing Countertop Colors and Floor Colors


Kitchen Wood Floors and Counters Image

Via Pinterest

We’ve worked with our share of homeowners who are in the process of remodeling and upgrading their homes. You’d be surprised how many times we’re asked our opinion on home finishes.

There’s a lot to think about when choosing a surface type, including the color. In working with designers and other construction professionals we’ve learned a thing or two. This is why I’m so excited to share with you the BEST tip I’ve heard for choosing countertop colors and floor colors.

When Greg and I were choosing our floor we both LOVED the darker wood. It was super popular on all the decorating shows. Then we met our flooring expert. They said, “The best thing you can do is take a handful of dirt from outside, some of the debris you sweep up, and pet hair and put a little on each sample.” So the key to finding a forgiving floor is as easy as finding the one that best hides the dirt. I felt like, “DUH!”

Turns out most of Colorado’s dirt is very light—almost sand-like. It would show like crazy on a dark floor. But my chocolate lab’s hair would appear like brown fluffy hair clouds on a light floor. Not cute. The best choice for us? A medium tone wood floor with lots of grain. It is so forgiving and has made my cleaning stress level decrease. I’ve swept up considerable debris and dog hair that I couldn’t see—gross! But so cool.

The reasoning and process for finding a forgiving countertop is similar.

Get your samples out and lay them on your current counter.
Collect some of your crumbs and the like you’ve wiped from your countertop when cleaning.
Take those crumbs and spread them on your samples.
Now step back. Which one hides these little particles best? There you go.

We had a good friend who really wanted dark countertops that were basically one color. Those would have shown fingerprints, streaks, and crumbs all day every day. So unless he wanted to clean them all the time he needed to find a more forgiving counter surface. He still chose a dark one, but with the tip I just shared, he chose a different surface pattern (lines, specks, etc.) to hide little offenders. And he has thanked me over and over.

We are experienced painters. If you live in the Colorado Springs area, contact us NOW to get your free paint estimate!

Disclaimer: You are responsible for your choices. What we provide here is for entertainment purposes. If you choose a color of anything and you don’t like it, that’s not our fault.


Tony purchased A Quality Paint Job from Greg Landis after working for Greg for over 10 years. AQPJ was created to meet a big hole in the Colorado Springs painting marketplace for quality workmanship at a reasonable price. We'd love to show you how we can serve you on your next repaint project.