Light Exterior Paint Color Can Save You Money


White exterior painted Southern home

It can be fun to choose dark or bold colors when painting your the body of your home exterior. It adds punch and helps you stand out. But painting your whole house a dark or bright color may cost you more money!

Dark colors oxidize. Without getting too technical, dark colors fade and oxidize (display patches of white/fading) quickly. In Colorado the nearly constant sunshine is to blame.

Bright colors fade. Horribly. They don’t look nice for long when exposed to the elements. That great vivid shade could turn funky faster than a fruit salad.

How do I avoid this calamity?

Choose a light or medium color. Light colors camouflage damage and fade much less quickly.
When you care about your home looking crisp and fresh or have an HOA governing the appearance of the neighborhood, this saves you money in repainting costs. Big time.

What colors qualify as “light colors?”

  1. Choose colors on the top half of the gradient color swatch.
  2. Ask for a color that is mixed in a light/medium base. (Base is the liquid to which tint is added to make paint colors.)


Our next article, Use Fun Bold Colors to Accent Your Home Exterior, will show you how to use the colors you love to less expensively express your personality.


Tony purchased A Quality Paint Job from Greg Landis after working for Greg for over 10 years. AQPJ was created to meet a big hole in the Colorado Springs painting marketplace for quality workmanship at a reasonable price. We'd love to show you how we can serve you on your next repaint project.