Outdoor deck attached to back of house with black guard rails


For Owners Who Put Quality First

Colorado Springs

Wood Deck Staining and Painting

Year-round exposure to Colorado sunshine and weathering take a damaging toll on outdoor wood decking. But, when routinely stained and properly maintained, a wood deck can remain structurally and visibility sound for decades. 


Wood stain provides a strong surface protection for the wood and also serves as a treatment coat to damaged wood. Our team at A Quality Paint Job can sand, stain and protect your backyard deck for the summer season and beyond.


Call Brenda today to discuss your affordable staining options and how to begin an annual staining treatment to protect your outdoor deck throughout the year.


"The Difference is in the Preparation."

Cherry oak outdoor wooden deck stain finish
Outdoor oak deck with steps
Outdoor oak deck being stained by green paintbrush
Outdoor wooden oak deck stain finish
Blue silhouette graphic of Colorado Springs skyline